Thursday, April 14, 2011

Random Thoughts

I am in my deep silence of serenity, where busyness is beyond miles away and tiredness is left behind in the other realm but this silence and serenity is not complete without any purpose. What it could be?

I have been begging for this day to come. And trying to push myself to the edge to have this one but now, what now?

Trying to keep myself sane and thinking that this things is just a normal path where everybody will pass whether they like it or not but this journey seems to me forever. I am taking it too long. I need to move on and take another route but where should I go?

With few days that I am taking every minute, I just found out that I am not physical tired and busy. It was all in my mind. I was trying to figure out and doing things ALL BY MYSELF, AGAIN! What do you expect? It’s typical me. But then, I gave up and feel so deadly tired even not.

Until now, I am battling with my senses what on earth am I doing here and why am I doing this things to myself. Until now, those are my million dollar question to myself. In short, I am nearly give up but every time I am trying His hands is always there to catch my last breath.

Well, this is my choice and this is His will. I am living by faith and mercy everyday. All this things are learning process. Process that can’t be repeated and learning that can’t be forgotten. I just need to get myself on track.