Monday, January 3, 2011


Every year, I ask for His word to hold and fight for it. Last year, it was a tremendous year. I saw His hands working in behalf of me. I felt His comfort in time of weakness and sadness and I witnessed the favor and blessing that I can’t imagine. And this year, God gave me this verse: Isaiah 43: 18-19

18 “But forget all that—
it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
19 For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

A new wonderful life is about to begin this year. And this is my declaration this year, A Year of the “OVER CIRCUMSTANCES”. This verse teaches me to forget all of those wonderful things and leave it all behind because of the new things that he is going to do. Not to compare the past to my present and future. And this year, I’ll experience something new. A blessing that I have never receive before, He said He begun it already and I know that is my stay here Denmark and my new status as a student. I’ll experience the look-like-impossible but possible to Him, pathway through wilderness and rivers in dry wasteland. And this is all above circumstances, beyond average and higher than usual.

I know He has plan but I also know that He will give the desire of my heart. And this is my prayer and goal for 2011:

1. Soar Higher from strength to strength

Isaiah 40:31

31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.

This is the declaration of JIL worldwide and I’d like to join them with heart and spirit. Soaring higher spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically but will never get tired or weary.

  1. Debt-free

This January I want to pay all my debts especially to Beng. I’d like to begin my school year without any distress.

  1. Miscellaneous for School and Apartment

I’ll begin my school this January and I am so excited but studying Multimedia is no joke, you have to have materials and equipments to survive like laptop for multimedia and softwares. The school has an offer to have these materials and I need to have it. Also, I am moving-in into another house and I need things like closet, tables, dyne and pillows.

  1. Permanent work

Of course, I need to support my self and my family back home. Until now, I don’t know how to have one and how to have it on my schedule. God help me.

  1. Scholarship

This will suffice everything. I can get Driving License, get my brothers from Philippines and take a vacation.

  1. Get my brothers

I want to help them to get here.

  1. Vacation to the Philippines

I miss them badly. I want to see them badly. Sometimes I don’t want to think about them and just work but I really want to be with them just for a few weeks.